Blog Roundhouse Features

Myles Clayton connects with Chris Celestial for raw single “Sittin’ N da Middle”

By Jacob Ezra

Myles Clayton and Chris Celestial have connected for a new single called “Sittin’ N da Middle”. The new song finds I’ll Nevah Die member Clayton and I N D affiliate Celestial demonstrating a potent chemistry atop a beat with a powerful energy that’s both thought-provoking and unsettling.

It seems that Clayton and Celestial are natural collaborators, with both emcees demonstrating pensive, introspective lyricism and an ear for dark, cacophonous production. “Sittin’ N da Middle” brings their strengths together atop a cerebral instrumental that is equal parts grimy and atmospheric. Walls of imposing samples, droning backing vocal samples and a rumbling rhythm section underscore the emcees’ cathartic, hard-hitting vocal performance and imagery-rich lines. Give “Sittin’ N da Middle” a listen here now.

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