Blog Roundhouse Features

Valid and Stretch Money deliver an anthem for hard workers on “Nine To Five”

Valid and Stretch Money, also known as “Bill & Isiah,” come together once again on Valid’s latest single, “Nine To Five.” Following their successful collaboration album in 2023, the duo delivers a Summer 2024 anthem with this track produced by Vuk Starinac. This track resonates with hardworking individuals who clock in day after day, yet still manage to keep their style and spirit alive.

Valid’s latest release featuring Stretch Money demonstrates the pair’s creative vision, charismatic approach, and ability to inject humor into their work. Demonstrating the chemistry that the duo has become known for, “Nine To Five” finds them trading clever verses that have the listener re-winding throughout. With hypnotic, playful production centred around sleek keys, punchy percussion, and rich bass, “Nine To Five” makes for an infectious listen. Featuring a new music video that captures the track’s humorous, laid-back swagger with an engaging performance from Valid and Stretch Money – “Nine To Five”, released on Valternativa Records– provides the whole package from the two Detroit mainstays.

Listen to “Nine To Five” here and check out the new music video.

Connect with Valid: Instagram | YouTube | Twitter | Facebook

Connect with Stretch Money: Instagram | Facebook

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