Blog Roundhouse Features

SpaceCave and freespottie find a ‘Freespace’ on international collaboration

By Jacob Ezra

Freespace is a 6-song offering from SpaceCave and freespottie that caught our attention for its transcendent sonics and unfiltered energy. SpaceCave hails from Novosibirsk, Russia, while freespottie originates from across the globe in Atlanta, USA- and the two manage to find a blissful common ground atop a series of layered, immersive instrumentals while displaying light-on-their-feet flows and heartfelt lyricism.

The carefree feel and off-the-cuff presentation of Freespace makes it enticing from the get-go. Hypnotic, cloudy samples and punchy percussion accentuate the two emcees potent flows on songs like “Find the Groove” and “Words of Advice”. “Just Another Night” adds jazz tinges with glitchy undertones that give it a mind-expanding style- while closer “New Day”‘s tranquil, reflective sound and warm flows recall hints of Nujabes while SpaceCave and freespottie also give it character of its own.

The fun-loving, free-spirited mood of Freespace feels desired in today’s musical landscape, as the two artists approach the EP with little cares as to an overly manicured presentation of themselves. With a natural, off-the-cuff feel and rich, laid-back production, Freespace is an enjoyable release from these two. Check it out here now.

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