Blog Roundhouse Features

How to build stronger connections with your listeners

By Jacob Ezra

Fostering a fanbase and building stronger connections with them over time is an essential part of being an independent artist. If you think about musicians you feel connected to, consider what it is that makes you invested in them. One element would certainly be that you can relate to them on an emotional level- and that their story, messaging, and identity aligns with you and your values. Another could be that they directly connect with their fan-base at a ground level, with things like personalized merch, mailing lists, free offers and contests, and a discord or some kind of “fan club”. These ideas are not just limited to one’s favorite, well-known artists- as they can be utilized by musicians at any level to leverage themselves and their community of listeners.

To foster deeper connections with your fan-base over time, think about how your fans want to feel that you care about them, in a same way you want them to care about you and your work. By no means does one have to inbox each one of their fans every day or anything, but there are numerous ways to make fans feel as if they’re connected to you personally. I would say that there are two sides to doing this: how you present yourself,andwhat you actually do.

In terms of how an artist presents themself to their listeners, if you come with a relatable, authentic story people can relate to, they will be able to see something of themselves in you and connect more deeply [see also our guide on how to use storytelling to promote your music]. This could be a personal story of how you overcame obstacles on your path to being an independent artist, went against the grain and found success, or more. Just a story that shows a human side to you in the communication of something universal that people care about on an emotional level. 

Moreover, as an artist, it is important to show sides of your personality in order to connect with others. Rather than just posting to promote new music and merch, one can talk about their interests and passions, many of which could be shared interests with their listeners. This can present a fuller picture of who you are, and further allow listeners to see something of themselves in you. An example could be something like artists like MF Doom and others, who display an interest and knowledge in comics, cartoons, and film, and these are interests that many people can relate to. In the case of MF Doom, it also deepened his story and lore as an artist.

Now on to the second element I had mentioned, which involves what you do literally in terms of your interactions with your fanbase. Through taking action, one can aim to develop stronger relationships with their listeners and make them feel like their included in a “club” or even “movement” of sorts. A fanbase greatly appreciates when an artist shows they care about them by going the extra mile with certain endeavours or gestures, and they also love to feel as if they’re a part of something, alongside other fans. Keeping those two things in mind, here are some practical ideas for how to make deeper bonds with your fans through action:

-personalized merch or giveaways, where you include something like a hand-written note or letter addressing the fan purchasing your merch, vinyl etc, or anything of the likeness

-create exclusive content: produce exclusive content for fans, such as behind-the-scenes footage, demo recordings, or exclusive merchandise (can be tied into the email newsletter or patreon)

-a mailing list that includes a newsletter free giveaways, contests, and more, directly addressing fans and trying to keep things personal 

-a discord community in which you can keep listeners updated, connect with them personally, and allow them to build community with other fans

-a patreon in which fans can receive special music, offers, content and more- try to make it personalized if possible

-going the extra mile at live shows to meet fans, doing meet and greets, offering fans backstage passes 

-of course, communicating via social media directly with them and showing appreciation and gratitude for their support

These are just some practical ideas of how to connect with your fanbase more deeply and foster relationships with listeners. Remember that these steps need to be taken consistently over a long period of time in order to work. 

Bringing these elements together, while adding your own unique touch and flair, can certainly help create a strong following as listeners feel like they can relate to you, are a part of something, and are connecting with you on a more personal level.

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